Custom Eligibility Criteria

Define your own market segment with configurable eligibility criteria

With custom eligibility criteria, Loopit allows you to define your own eligibility criteria so you can target the right customer segment.

Custom eligibility questions to help you target customers your way

Targeting the right customers is a crucial component of running a successful car subscription service. With Loopit, you can target the customer segments that are best suited to your business by creating your own customer eligibility questions or configuring our predefined questions.

Establish a trustworthy first impression with transparent agreements

Start your subscriber relationships on a transparent by sending out detailed subscription agreements. Loopit automatically includes your custom eligibility criteria in end user agreements to keep a record of their declared responses.

Frequently asked questions

Are there standard eligibility criteria for customers on Loopit?

If you choose to utilise Loopit's integrated damage cover, then there are mandatory eligibility criteria that must be included and answered appropriately by your customers.

What if a customer does not meet the eligibility criteria?

If their responses indicate they are not eligible, then Loopit will deny their application to subscribe.

Will a customer assessment still be performed if they do not meet the eligibility criteria?

No, the credit assessment only takes place after it has been determined that a customer is eligible to subscribe.

Recurring BIlling & Payments

Discover more Loopit Features

Toll Charge Management

Manage toll usage and payments for your fleet at scale

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Charge Recurring Subscription Payments

Automated recurring payments at scale for the new mobility industry

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Vehicle Fleet Management Software

Subscription fleet management at scale

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White Label Car Subscription Solution

Make your car subscription program uniquely yours

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Subscription Vehicle Pricing Algorithm

Industry leading pricing intelligence for your car subscription service

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Loopit Subscriber Portal

Seamless digital car subscription management for your customers

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Big Or Small, Loopit grows with your ambitions

Loopit is the technology between car subscription and your fleet potential.