Empower Your Dealer Network to Succeed With Car Subscription

As automakers, you are in a prime position to lead the charge with flexible mobility solutions. With the Loopit Dealer Partner Program, you can ensure your dealer network is well-equipped to meet this new demand head-on.

Loopit for Automakers

Why Become a Dealer Program Partner?

We at Loopit believe in mutual growth. Through our Dealer Partner Program, we offer not just a platform but a partnership. Together, let’s maximize the potential of car subscription services, creating unparalleled value for you, your dealers, and your customers.

Increase Revenue Streams

By providing your dealers with an attractive subscription model, you open up a fresh, recurring revenue source.

Improve Customer Engagement

Offer a unified and seamless subscription experience across your dealer ecosystem, that translates to happier, more loyal customers.

Future-Ready Adaptability

The car subscription landscape is dynamic. Ensure your dealer network remains agile, adaptable, and always at the forefront of innovation with Loopit.

Porsche Drive Subscription

The Technology Behind the Porsche Drive Program

Loopit provides Porsche with the custom tools and dedicated support it needs to unlock exponential growth. By integrating our state-of-the-art platform into their dealer ecosystem, Porsche was able to offer a consistent and engaging subscription experience, attracting new customers in new markets.

Enhanced Dealer Collaboration

Our Dealer Partner Program empowers Porsche's dealer network with the insights, support, and training they require to drive success at every touchpoint.

Customized Subscription Models

Through tailored configurations, Porsche offers unique subscription packages, resonating with different customer segments.

Efficient Scaling

Leveraging Loopit's flexibility, Porsche successfully implemented Porsche Drive across a wide geographical spread, ensuring a unified brand experience.

Why Loopit?

Provide the Tools & Resources for Your Dealers to Thrive With Subscription

Today's auto industry is rapidly evolving, and as a visionary automaker, you know the significance of adapting to these shifts. Dive into the era of car subscription with Loopit—a seamless billing and management platform designed to elevate your dealer network.

Group Account Hierarchy

Centralized Control, Decentralized Operations

Enjoy the luxury of big-picture oversight and a unified customer experience without compromising on the individuality of each dealer. Loopit offers one-to-many account management so you can manage your entire dealer ecosystem under one platform.

Custom account configurations

Create a Bespoke Customer Experience at Every Level

Our go-to-market resources are not just about strategy, but also about execution. We provide tools and processes to provide a more tailored experience for each dealer, brand and location. From vehicle pricing and plans, branding and communications, you can choose to keep this consistent across your ecosystem or unique to each dealer.

Turnkey Dealer Solution

Lead the Change Toward Flexible Mobility Solutions

Implement a ready-to-go subscription framework across your dealer ecosystem. Your dealer network looks to you for the creation and delivery of unified, forward-thinking business strategies that provide steady revenue flows and meet the changing needs of today's consumers. Easily expand and onboard new dealers as you grow.

Loopit Vehicle Detail Page
Your Trusted Partner in Mobility Management

Trusted globally by OEMs, dealers and rental providers

Recognized worldwide, Loopit powers over 50,000 vehicles across a spectrum of mobility solutions. Our award-winning technology is revolutionizing how we think about car ownership.

All-in-One Solution

Enjoy a comprehensive mobility management solution that perfectly complements your traditional automotive retail services.

Fully Customisable

Develop a unique and effective go-to-market strategy, branded specifically for your business.

Industry Expertise

Benefit from deep automotive industry knowledge, ensuring relevant and effective solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Scalable Platform

Whether managing a fleet of 20 or 20,000 vehicles, Loopit can enhance and streamline your operations.

Loopit is purpose-built for the automotive industry

Choose a car subscription technology partner that's purpose-built for the automotive industry. With a focus on automotive applications, Loopit can streamline the integration process, ensuring a seamless transition and faster time to market for your car subscription service.

Powerful Vehicle Pricing Algorithm

Harness the power of data-driven insights to optimize your pricing strategy, attract more customers, and maximise profitability.

Industry-Specific Expertise

Our deep understanding of the automotive landscape allows us to provide tailored solutions that address the unique challenges and opportunities within the automotive industry.

Continuous Innovation

Our commitment to the automotive sector drives us to stay at the forefront of industry trends, enabling Loopit to incorporate emerging technologies and best practices into our platform.

Loopit TruPass Logo

Robust digital KYC and fraud prevention

Only Loopit offers TruPass, a product suite of KYC and fraud prevention products tailored specifically for modern mobility services that help you onboard and authenticate new customers in real-time and at scale.

Loopit TruPass

Questions? We have answers.

What is the Dealer Partner Program?
How does this program enable automakers to support their dealer ecosystem?
How does the program ensure a consistent customer experience?
What support will my dealer network receive?
What's the process for onboarding my dealer network to the program?
Is there an associated cost for integrating my dealer network into the program?
How does the Dealer Partner Program align with automotive industry trends?