$0 deposits, configurable assessment premiums and capture the establishment fee upfront

June 5, 2024

With the latest update we're proud to bring even more power and control to you at your fingertips. Highlights include;

  • The ability to now take $0 deposits should you wish to
  • The establishment fee can be configured to be captured upfront at the time of the security deposit as opposed to on activation. This is a non-refundable fee and can be used as a tool for further risk mitigation should you wish to offer it
  • The ability to not offer the assessment premium should you as a business wish to offer a flat security deposit dependent on the risk profile of the customer

As always, if you have any feedback we would love to hear it - either to support@loopit.co or via the Feedback tool on the platform.

Big Or Small, Loopit grows with your ambitions

Loopit is the technology between car subscription and your fleet potential.