Scaling a Car Subscription Business: 8 Biggest Challenges (and How to Overcome Them)

As car subscriptions boom, operators face challenges acquiring customers cost-effectively and managing regulations. Solutions include demand forecasting, organic marketing, automation, and customer service investments for sustainable growth.

George Skentzos

Head of Customer Experience

Published on 

December 1, 2023

  ‧  Last updated on 

June 5, 2024

Key Takeaways

Scaling a car subscription business comes with unique challenges that can throttle growth if not addressed properly. From managing dynamic fleets to delivering seamless customer experiences, car subscription operators need to build truly scalable models to tap into this high growth industry.

In this post, we'll uncover the top scaling challenges facing car subscription companies today and proven solutions to overcome them. With the right strategies, car subscription businesses can realize the full growth potential of this emerging market.

Challenge #1 - Managing a Large, Dynamic Fleet

As your subscriber base grows, constantly buying and selling vehicles to meet fluctuating demand becomes extremely expensive. Since the inventory of cars needs to align closely with the number of active subscribers, having too many or too few vehicles leads to financial inefficiencies.

The average car subscription company spends $300 to acquire each vehicle and holds cars for an average of 18 months. Scaling a fleet too quickly without proper demand forecasting can lead to losses if those vehicles go underutilized.

An effective solution is to optimize fleet size and mix using demand forecasting models and data analytics. By analyzing historical usage data and predicting subscriber needs based on demographics and location, you can achieve the right vehicle inventory levels.

Challenge #2 - Acquiring Customers Cost-Effectively

As a car subscription business scales up in subscribers, one of the biggest challenges is acquiring new customers in a cost-effective way. Paid advertising and promotions can become extremely expensive to sustainably acquire customers at scale. The average customer acquisition cost (CAC) for car rental and car subscription businesses can range from $300-$1,000 per customer acquired.

Relying too heavily on paid marketing channels often leads to unsustainable CACs that eat into margins. Instead, companies should focus more on organic channels, referral programs, and loyalty incentives to lower costs per acquisition. Car subscription services find that more than 50% of new customers come from referrals from existing happy subscribers. Loyalty programs and referral bonuses incentivize this word-of-mouth growth.

Scaling through organic channels takes longer but leads to more sustainable growth and healthier unit economics. Companies that nail down referral programs and lean marketing strategies will be best positioned to scale up their subscriber base profitably.

Challenge #3 - Preventing Revenue Leakage

As your subscriber base grows, preventing revenue leakage becomes critical. Revenue leakage refers to earned money that goes uncollected due to things like failed payments or billing errors. For car subscription businesses, this can become a big problem at scale.

With thousands of subscribers and dynamic billing needs, failed automatic payments and mistakes are inevitable. The automotive industry sees significant financial impact from revenue leakage in aftersales services. The same applies to recurring subscription services.

The solution is implementing automation and robust fraud prevention systems. With automated billing and account monitoring, you can stay on top of failed payments and quickly address issues. Advanced analytics can also detect patterns and risks to prevent revenue leakage proactively. Systems with machine learning capabilities will improve over time as your needs scale.

Overall, doubling down on billing automation and fraud prevention is essential to maximize revenue collection as your car subscription business grows. The upfront investment will pay dividends by preventing leakage at scale.

Challenge #4 - Providing Seamless Customer Experiences

More customers means more potential for bad experiences if not handled properly. A company with 20,000 subscribers is more likely to encounter service issues or delays that frustrate customers compared to an operator with just 200 subscribers. At scale, the number of customer touchpoints and complexity of operations increases, creating more opportunities for things to go wrong unless proper systems are in place. Providing a seamless experience every time will become increasingly challenging.

The solution is to invest heavily in customer service and self-service options to maintain high satisfaction. Hire additional support staff to reduce wait times and quickly handle issues. Build out a comprehensive FAQ so customers can self-serve for basic requests. Leverage technology like chatbots to improve efficiency of support interactions. Implement customer feedback systems to identify pain points and improve experiences. If customers encounter delays or issues, a quick and helpful resolution can turn frustration into delight. Car subscription companies scaling up should prioritize customer service investments to enable growth without sacrificing satisfaction.

Challenge #5 - Managing Operational Complexities

As a car subscription business grows, the behind-the-scenes operations become extremely complex. From managing vehicle inventory, cleaning and maintenance, deliveries and swaps, billing and payments - a fleet of thousands of vehicles requires sophisticated logistics and coordination to deliver seamless customer experiences.

Managing the movement of vehicles in and out of the fleet, coordinating cleaning/maintenance, and executing contactless deliveries at scale takes huge operations teams and massive coordination. Without the right processes and systems in place, fulfillment bottlenecks, vehicle downtime, and dissatisfied customers can quickly occur.

The solution is to implement operations software, like fleet management and field service management systems, to optimize complex workflows. Lean principles and continuous process improvement is key to maximize efficiency as you scale. Operations metrics and dashboards provide visibility to identify problem areas. By managing the operational complexities behind the scenes, car subscription companies can continue delivering premium customer experiences as they grow.

Challenge #6 - Securing Funding for Growth

One of the biggest scaling challenges for a car subscription business is securing funding for growth. Building a large fleet of vehicles to meet subscriber demand requires major capital investments. Spanish startup Revel recently raised $123 million to expand its car subscription fleet and operations.

Since car subscriptions require purchasing inventory upfront, it's extremely capital intensive. As your subscriber base grows, you need to buy more vehicles across various makes and models to meet demand. This makes securing major funding rounds essential for growth. Pursuing venture capital investments and partnerships with OEMs can provide the necessary capital to scale your fleet rapidly.

Relying solely on revenue to fund growth is unlikely to be sufficient. Equity financing from VCs who believe in your model and vision is key. You can also explore creative partnerships where OEMs invest in your platform and provide fleet discounts in return for driving brand awareness and data sharing.

Challenge #7 - Complying with Regulations

Complying with complex regulations around lending, insurance, licensing, and consumer protection laws is a major hurdle as car subscription companies scale up. Since car subscriptions operate in a legal gray area between leasing, short-term rentals, and traditional auto financing, staying on the right side of regulations is crucial but tricky.

For example, the state of New Jersey recently proposed legislation that would prohibit car manufacturers from offering subscription services for vehicle features that use existing hardware components already installed in the car.

To navigate regulations, car subscription companies need to work closely with legal and compliance experts who understand the patchwork of laws in each state. Conducting rigorous legal reviews before launching any new product or promotion is essential. Fostering open communication with regulators and policymakers can also help steer compliance efforts in the right direction.

While complex to manage, staying compliant enables sustainable growth. With the right partners and diligent monitoring, car subscription businesses can scale successfully while operating within legal guardrails.

Challenge #8 - Scaling Engineering & Technology

As a car subscription business grows, relying on spreadsheets and manual processes will no longer cut it. Custom software solutions become critical for managing subscriptions, billing, coordinating fleet operations, and more. Automation and integration between systems can help manage the complexities of a growing subscriber base.

Companies should prioritize building core platforms to manage their most important business functions like billing and fleet management. Integrating solutions from vendors can help fill gaps more quickly. The key is striking the right balance between custom-built and integrated systems.

Thoughtful API design and architecture choices will make adding new tools and capabilities easier down the line. Companies that invest early in scalable, extensible technology stacks will have an advantage when it comes time to onboard thousands of new subscribers.


Scaling a car subscription business presents some unique challenges that founders need to proactively address. Managing dynamic fleets, acquiring customers cost-effectively, preventing revenue leakage, and delivering seamless customer experiences all become more difficult at scale. However, with the right strategies and solutions, from demand forecasting models to customer loyalty programs, these hurdles can be overcome.

The future looks bright for innovative car subscription companies willing to implement the changes needed to build truly scalable models. While growth presents headaches if not planned for properly, the market opportunity remains substantial. By taking the necessary steps now to enable scale rather than limit it, car subscription founders can set their companies up for long-term success.

With scalability designed into your business from the start, you’ll be primed to fully capitalize on the promise of this emerging industry as you expand your subscriber base.

About the author
George is the Head of Marketing and Customer Experience at Loopit. Having originally started his career as a motoring journalist and founding team member for one of Australia's top automotive startups, George has a strong passion for automotive, business and growth marketing.
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