Flexible Billing Cycles

Flexible weekly, fortnightly and monthly billing cycles for your subscribers

Allow your subscribers to choose a billing cycle that suits their lifestyle with weekly, fortnightly and monthly billing options available.

Give your customers greater payment flexibility

With the option of weekly, fortnightly and monthly billing options, provide your customers with the flexibility to pay their recurring invoices at a cadence that suits their lifestyle.

Get paid faster by aligning billing cycles with customer payday

Ensure an optimal billing and payments schedule by aligning your customer billing dates to match their payday. If your customer is paid monthly, you can choose a billing cycle to match.

Automated prorated adjustments when you change billing cycles

Want to change from weekly to monthly billing, or anything in between? Loopit will automatically make prorated adjustment to customer invoices so you can change your customer billing cycles without skipping a beat on their payment.

Frequently asked questions

Can I set the billing cycle to a specific day or date?

Yes, for weekly and fortnightly billing you can choose a specific day to raise the invoice (Monday to Friday) or for monthly billing you can choose a specific date (1st to 31st).

Will Loopit adjust the invoiced amount if I change a customer's billing cycle?

Yes, Loopit will automatically make a prorated adjustment charge to ensure the correct invoice amount is charged when you adjust the billing cycle.

How do usage charges work with billing cycles?

Usage charges are calculated based on the chosen billing cycle, meaning your customer has the flexibility to use their distance allowance over the entire duration of their billing period.

Recurring BIlling & Payments

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Make your car subscription program uniquely yours

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Subscription Vehicle Pricing Algorithm

Industry leading pricing intelligence for your car subscription service

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Vehicle Fleet Management Software

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Charge Recurring Subscription Payments

Automated recurring payments at scale for the new mobility industry

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Toll Charge Management

Manage toll usage and payments for your fleet at scale

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Online Subscription Booking

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Big Or Small, Loopit grows with your ambitions

Loopit is the technology between car subscription and your fleet potential.