How micromobility is solving urban transportation problems

Micromobility options such as e-scooters has become a popular options for cities and individuals seeking alternative transport options. These new alternatives are also seeing many benefits from solving urban problems like congestion and pollution.

George Skentzos

Head of Customer Experience

Published on 

January 20, 2022

  ‧  Last updated on 

January 20, 2022

Key Takeaways

Most modern cities in developed countries have extensive public transport networks that are designed to make it easy for people to get around even if they don’t have their vehicles. However, one problem that even the most advanced public transport systems have been unable to solve is how to make the first and last mile of each journey more convenient. It's not possible, for example, to simply add more and more stations to train networks because this would make them a much slower option for getting around. One solution that is attracting a lot of interest right now is micromobility.

What is micromobility?

Micromobility solutions are intended to address short distance travel difficulties in large cities. Bicycle sharing schemes, such as those offered in Sydney, London, Washington, D.C. and many other cities around the world, are just one example of solutions that have been introduced in recent years.

These schemes are more accurately referred to as shared micromobility as the bikes are available for anybody to use. After you have reached your destination, you simply leave the bicycle you used at the nearest collection point, where it can be picked up by another commuter.

Whether a scheme is free or it involves a service fee, the aim of all micromobility solutions is the same — to provide people with a convenient and inexpensive way to complete the first or last stage of their journey in a city.

How do micromobility benefit visitors and inhabitants of large cities?

A well planned micromobility service offers many key benefits that both visitors and inhabitants of urban areas can enjoy:

  • Less congestion — Programs that make e-bikes, scooters and other small vehicles available in large cities can help to ease congestion. If short journeys can be completed on two wheels rather than four, it should be possible to improve the traffic flow in the most densely populated areas of cities around the world, without widening roads or making other expensive changes.
  • More environmentally friendly — Bicycles are an especially good choice for micromobility systems in cities that are battling pollution issues. Even small scooters can help to reduce the amount of carbon monoxide in the air if they are used in preference to taxis or rideshare vehicles. With the environment remaining a major cause of concern for governments across the globe, the eco-friendly aspect of micromobility solutions is sure to make them an attractive proposition in all cities and large towns in the future.
  • Cost-effective transportation — Micromobility systems that are run by service providers who charge a fee are still considerably less expensive than alternative options such as taxis. For people who want to cut down on their city travel expenses, using an e-bike or scooter to complete the last leg of their journeys is sure to appeal.
  • Flexibility — One of the most attractive features of micromobility solutions is the flexibility they offer. If you take a taxi, you need to tell the driver where you want to go and it’s not easy to change your mind once you are underway. With an e-bike, bicycle or scooter, on the other hand, you don’t have to decide exactly where you are going because you are in charge. If you want to explore an area of a large city at your leisure, without feeling obliged to plan every detail of your day in advance, a micromobility service is a great choice.
  • Highlighting public transportation issues — In addition to providing an immediate solution to the first mile and last mile travel difficulties faced by people in congested cities, micromobility schemes have another very important role to play. When managed with an advanced software platform that can collect and analyse travel data and vehicle usage, such programs can highlight weaknesses in public transportation systems and help local authorities direct spending to areas where it is most needed.

These benefits are helping to provide traction for micromobility trends in many countries around the world. Companies that are looking for new ways to increase the revenue they generate from their vehicle fleets should consider offering micromobility services to attract new customers.

The future of micromobility

From a global perspective, industry analysts expect micromobility solutions to recover strongly as travel options begin to open up again in the aftermath of the COVID-19 global pandemic. With this in mind, companies that are in a position to take advantage of the growth in demand may be able to increase their revenue by offering these services to their customers.

How your company can take advantage of micromobility trends

Whether you run an existing vehicle dealership and you would like to expand your field of operations into this new market or you are thinking about starting a brand new business model, an efficient software management system will help you to get off to the best start possible.

At Loopit, we have created a fully-featured software management platform that can be used to offer micromobility services, rideshare rental services and car subscription services to all of your loyal customers. It also includes all the tools you need to monitor your entire inventory and maximise the revenue you can generate from every vehicle in your fleet. Used by some of the biggest names in the business across the world, Loopit offers the best software solution for companies that would like to ensure they can adapt to the changing landscape of private transportation and continue to thrive.

Want to learn more about our micromobility solutions? Contact us today to begin your journey to request a demo and find more information about how our software platform can help you increase your revenue with micromobility services.

About the author
George is the Head of Marketing and Customer Experience at Loopit. Having originally started his career as a motoring journalist and founding team member for one of Australia's top automotive startups, George has a strong passion for automotive, business and growth marketing.
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